Under Review/In Revision
(Note: * denotes students/postdocs advised/co-advised, # denotes visiting students advised/co-advised)
- Wang, W.*, Sun, Y. and Wang, H. (2020), "Latent group detection in functional partially linear regression models," under review.
- Hong, Y.#, Abdulah, S.*, Genton, M., and Sun, Y. (2020), "Efficiency assessment of approximated spatial predictions for large datasets,” under review.
- Abdulah, S.*, Li, Y.*, Cao, J., Ltaief, H., Keyes, D., Genton, M., and Sun, Y. (2020), “Exact Gaussian simulations, likelihood inference and origins for large-scale spatial datasets with ExaGeoStatR,” under review.
- Li, Y.* and Sun, Y. (2020), “Multi-site high-frequency stochastic precipitation generator using censored skew-symmetric distributions,” under review.
- Euan, C.*, Sun, Y. and Reich, B. (2020), "Statistical analysis of multi-day solar irradiance using a threshold time series model", under review.
- Qadir, G.*, Sun, Y. and Kurtek, S. (2020), "Estimation of spatial deformation for non-stationary processes via variogram alignment," under review.
- Qadir G.*, Euan, C.* and Sun, Y. (2020), "Flexible modeling of variable asymmetries in cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields," under review.
- Agarwal, G.*, Tu, W., Sun, Y., and Kong, L. (2020), "Flexible quantile contours for multivariate functional data: beyond convexity," under review.
- Qadir G.* and Sun, Y. (2020), "Semiparametric estimation of cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields," Biometrics, in revision.
- Chen, T.*, Sun, Y. and Maadooliat, M. (2020), "Collective spectral density estimation and clustering for spatially-correlated data,” Spatial Statistics, in revision.
- Chen, T.*, Sun, Y., Euan, C. and Ombao, H. (2020), "Clustering brain signals: A robust approach using functional data ranking," Journal of Classification, in revision.
- Agarwal, G.* and Sun, Y. (2020), "Multivariate functional quantile envelopes with application to radiosonde wind data," Technometrics, in revision.
- Chen, T.*, Sun, Y. and Li, T. (2020), "A semi-parametric estimation method for the quantile spectrum with an application to earthquake classification using convolutional neural network," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, in revision.
- Dai, W., Mrkvicka, T., Sun, Y., and Genton, M. (2020) "Functional outlier detection and taxonomy by sequential transformations," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, in revision.
(Note: * denotes students/postdocs advised/co-advised, # denotes visiting students advised/co-advised)
- Litvinenko, A., Kriemann, R., Genton, M. G., Sun, Y., and Keyes, D. (2020), "HLIBCov: Parallel hierarchical matrix approximation of large covariance matrices and likelihoods with applications in parameter identification," MethodsX, 7:100600.
- Euan, C* and Sun, Y. (2019), "Bernoulli vector autoregressive model," Journal of Multivariate Analysis, to appear.
- Agarwal, G.*, Saade, S., Shahid, M., Test, M. and Sun, Y. (2019), "Quantile function modeling applied to analysis of salinity tolerance of plants," BMC Plant Biology, 19, 526 (2019).
- Abdulah, S.*, Ltaief, H., Sun, Y., Genton, M. G., and Keyes, D. E. (2019), “Geostatistical modeling and prediction using mixed precision tile Cholesky factorization,” IEEE International Conference on High-Performance Computing, Data, Analytics, and Data Science, to appear.
- Castruccio, S., Genton, M. G., and Sun, Y. (2019), "Visualising spatio-temporal models with virtual reality: From fully immersive environments to apps in stereoscopic view," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society - Series A, 182, 379-387. (read before the Royal Statistical Society, Discussion and Rejoinder)
- Euan, C.*, Sun, Y. and Ombao, H. (2019), "Coherence-based time series clustering for brain connectivity visualization," Annals of Applied Statistics, 13(2), 990-1015.
- Euan, C.* and Sun, Y. (2019), "Directional spectra-based clustering for visualizing patterns of ocean waves and winds," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 28(3), 659-670.
- Genton, M. G., and Sun, Y. (2019), discussion of "Data science, big data, and statistics," by P. Galeano and D. Pena, TEST, 28, 338-341.
- Li, Y.* and Sun, Y. (2019), "Local likelihood estimation for nonstationary covariance functions with applications to climate model emulation," Statistica Sinica, 29, 1209-1231. (supplementary material)
- Litvinenko, A., Sun, Y., Genton, M. G., and Keyes, D. (2019), "Likelihood approximation with hierarchical matrices for large spatial datasets," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 137, 115-132.
- Lee, J.*, Sun, Y. and Chang, H. (2019), "Spatial cluster detection of regression coefficient in a mixed effect model," Environmentrics, to appear.
- Wang, W.* and Sun, Y. (2019), "Penalized local polynomial regression for spatial data," Biometrics, to appear.
- Tang, Y., Wang, H., Sun, Y. and Hering, A. S. (2019), "Copula-based semiparametric model for spatio-temporal data," Biometrics, to appear.
- Huang, H.* and Sun, Y. (2018), "A decomposition of total variation depth for understanding functional outliers," Technometrics, 4, 445-458.
- Maadooliat, M., Sun, Y. and Chen, T.* (2018), "Collective nonparametric spectral density estimation and clustering," Statistics in Medicine, 37(30), 4789-4806.
- Abdulah, S.*, Ltaief, H., Sun, Y., Genton, M. G., and Keyes, D. E. (2018), "ExaGeoStat: A high performance unified software for geostatistics on manycore systems," IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 29, 2778-2784. (ExaGeoStat, ExaGeoStat-R, Documentation)
- Abdulah, S.*, Ltaief, H., Sun, Y., Genton, M. G., and Keyes, D. E. (2018), "Parallel approximation of the maximum likelihood estimation for the prediction of large-scale geostatistics simulations," IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing, 98-108.
- Sun, Y., Chang, X. and Guan, Y. (2018), "Flexible and efficient estimating equations for variogram estimation," Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 122, 45-58.
- Castruccio, S., Genton, M. G. and Sun, Y. (2018), "Visualising spatio-temporal models with virtual reality: from fully immersive environments to apps in stereoscopic view," Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-Series A, 182, 379-387. (to be read before the Royal Statistical Society)
- Huang, H.* and Sun, Y. (2018), "Hierarchical low rank approximation of likelihoods for large spatial datasets," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 27:1, 110-118. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Yin, G.*, McCabe, M. F., Mariethoz, G. and Sun, Y. (2017), "Comparison of gap-filling methods for Landsat 7 ETM+ SLC-off imagery," International Journal of Remote Sensing, 38(23), 6653-6679.
- Huang, H.* and Sun, Y. (2017), "Visualization and assessment of spatio-temporal covariance properties," Spatial Statistics, to appear. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Meng, R.*, Saade, S., Berger. B, Brien, C., Kurtek, S., Tester, M. and Sun, Y. (2017), "Growth curve registration for evaluating salinity tolerance in barley," Plant Methods, 13-18.
- Xie, W., Kurtek, S., Bharath, K. and Sun, Y. (2017), "A Geometric approach to visualization of variability in functional data," Journal of the American Statistical Association, 112:519, 979-993. (supplementary materials) (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Sun, Y., Hering, A. S. and Browning, J. M. (2017), "Robust bivariate error detection in skewed data with application to historical radiosonde winds," Environmetrics , 28, e2431 . (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Sun, Y. and Stein, M. L. (2016), "Statistically and computationally efficient estimating equations for large spatial datasets," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 25, 187-208.
- Sun, Y., Wang, H. and Fuentes, M. (2016), "Fused adaptive Lasso for spatial and temporal quantile function estimation," Technometrics, 58, 127-137. (supplementary materials)
- Sun, Y. and Stein, M. L. (2015), "A stochastic space-time model for intermittent precipitation occurrences," Annals of Applied Statistics, 9, 2110-2132. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Ngo, D., Sun, Y., Genton, M. G., Wu, J., Srinivasan, R., Cramer, S. and Ombao, H. (2015), "An exploratory data analysis of electroencephalograms using the functional boxplots approach," Frontiers in Neuroscience, 9, Article 282, 1-18. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Dupuis, D. J., Sun, Y. and Wang, H. (2015), "Detecting change-points in extremes, "Statistics And Its Interface, 8, 19-31.
- Genton, M. G., Castruccio, S., Crippa, P., Dutta, S., Huser, R., Sun, Y. and Vettori, S. (2015), "Visuanimation in statistics," Stat, 4, 81-96.
- Sun, Y., Bowman, K. P., Genton, M. G., and Tokay, A. (2015), "A Matern model of the spatial covariance structure of point rain rates," Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 29, 411-416.
- Lopez-Pintado, S., Sun, Y., Lin, J. K., and Genton, M. G. (2014), "Simplicial band depth for multivariate functional data, " Advances in Data Analysis and Classification, 8, 321-338.
- Genton, M. G., Johnson, C., Potter, K., Stenchikov, G., and Sun, Y. (2014), "Surface boxplots," Stat, 3, 1-11. Surface boxplot software: Installation. Movie: sbplot .
- Sun, Y., Hart, J. D. and Genton, M. G. (2013), "Improved nonparametric inference for multiple correlated periodic sequences," Stat, 2, 197-210.
- Apanasovich, T. V., Genton, M. G. and Sun, Y. (2012), "A valid Matern class of cross-covariance functions for multivariate random fields with any number of components, "Journal of the American Statistical Association, 107, 180-193.
- Cooley, D., Cisewski, J., Erhardt, R. J., Jeon, S., Mannshardt, E., Omolo B. O. and Sun, Y. (2012), "A survey of spatial extremes: measuring spatial dependence and modeling spatial effects," REVSTAT, 10, 135-165.
- Sun, Y. and Genton, M. G. (2012), "Functional median polish," Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 17, 354-376.
- Sun, Y. and Genton, M. G. (2012), "Adjusted functional boxplots for spatio-temporal data visualization and outlier detection," Environmetrics, 23, 54-64
- Sun, Y., Genton, M. G. and Nychka, D. (2012), "Exact fast computation of band depth for large functional datasets: How quickly can one million curves be ranked?" Stat, 1, 68-74.
- Sun, Y., Hart, J. D. and Genton, M. G. (2012), "Nonparametric inference for periodic sequences," Technometrics, 54, 83-96.(ENVR Workshop Student Poster Competition Winner)R code: (CVmethod, applications).
- Sun, Y., Li, B. and Genton, M. G. (2012), "Geostatistics for large datasets, " in Advances And Challenges In Space-time Modelling Of Natural Events, J. M. Montero, E. Porcu, M. Schlather (eds), Springer, Vol. 207, Chapter 3, 55-77.
- Sun, Y. and Genton, M. G. (2011), "Functional boxplots," Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 20, 316-334.(ASA Student Paper Competition Winner)R code: fbplot (fast computation), help file.Matlab code: fbplot (fast computation) .
- Xie, Y., Zhao, K., Sun, Y. and Chen, D. (2010), "Gaussian processes for short-Term traffic volume forecasting," Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2165, 69-78.(TRB Best Paper Award)
- Sun, Y. and Lu, X. (2006), "A new method in the construction of two-level fractional factorial designs," Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Information and Management Sciences, Chengdu, China, 512-520.
Process Monitoring and Anomaly Detection
- Krupskii, P., Harrou, F., Hering, A.S. and Sun, Y., 2019. Copula-based monitoring schemes for non-Gaussian multivariate processes. Journal of Quality Technology, pp.1-16.
- Harrou, F., Taghezouit, B. and Sun, Y., 2019. Robust and flexible strategy for fault detection in grid-connected photovoltaic systems. Energy Conversion and Management, 180, pp.1153-1166.
- Harrou, F., Dairi, A., Taghezouit, B. and Sun, Y., 2019. An unsupervised monitoring procedure for detecting anomalies in photovoltaic systems using a one-class Support Vector Machine. Solar Energy, 179, pp.48-58.
- Harrou, F., Taghezouit, B. and Sun, Y., 2019. Improved kNN-Based Monitoring Schemes for Detecting Faults in PV Systems. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 9, n0. 3: 811 – 821.
- Zeroual, A., Harrou, F. and Sun, Y., 2019. Road traffic density estimation and congestion detection with a hybrid observer-based strategy. Sustainable Cities and Society, 46, p.101411
- Zerrouki, N., Harrou, F., Sun, Y. and Hocini, L., 2019. A Machine Learning-based Approach for Land Cover Change Detection Using Remote Sensing and Radiometric Measurements. IEEE Sensors Journal.
- Cheng, T., Harrou, F., Sun, Y. and Leiknes, T., 2018. Monitoring influent measurements at water resource recovery facility using data-driven soft sensor approach. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(1), pp.342-352.
- Harrou, F., Khaldi, B., Sun, Y. and Cherif, F., 2018. Monitoring robotic swarm systems under noisy conditions using an effective fault detection strategy. IEEE Sensors Journal, 19(3), pp.1141-1152.
- Harrou, F., Dairi, A., Sun, Y., and Senouci, M. (2018). Statistical monitoring of a wastewater treatment plant: A case study. Journal of environmental management, 223, 807-814.
- Zerrouki, N., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., and Houacine, A. (2018). Vision-based Human Action Classification Using Adaptive Boosting Algorithm. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(12), 5115-5121.
- Zerrouki, N., Harrou, F., and Sun, Y. (2018). Statistical Monitoring of Changes to Land Cover. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 15(6), 927-931.
- Harrou, F., Dairi, A., Sun, Y., and Kadri, F. (2018). Detecting Abnormal Ozone Measurements With a Deep Learning-Based Strategy. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(17), 7222-7232.
- Dairi, A., Harrou, F., Senouci, M., and Sun, Y. (2018). Unsupervised obstacle detection in driving environments using deep-learning-based stereovision. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 100, 287-301.
- Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Madakyaru, M., and Bouyedou, B. (2018). An improved multivariate chart using partial least squares with continuous ranked probability score. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(16), 6715-6726.
- Dairi, A., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., and Senouci, M. (2018). Obstacle Detection for Intelligent Transportation Systems Using Deep Stacked Autoencoder and k-Nearest Neighbor Scheme. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(12), 5122-5132.
- Zeroual, A., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., and Messai, N. (2018). Integrating Model-Based Observer and Kullback-Leibler Metric for Estimating and Detecting Road Traffic Congestion. IEEE Sensors Journal, 18(20), 8605-8616.
- Khaldi, B., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., and Cherif, F. (2018). Self-Organization in Aggregating Robot Swarms: A DW-KNN Topological Approach, BioSystems Journal, Elsevier, 165, 106-121.
- Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Taghezouit, B., Saidi, A., and Hamlati, M. E. (2018). Reliable fault detection and diagnosis of photovoltaic systems based on statistical monitoring approaches. Renewable Energy, 116, 22-37.
- Harrou F, Zerrouki N, Sun Y, Houacine A, (2017) Vision-Based Fall Detection System for Improving Safety of Elderly People, IEEE Instrumentation & Measurement Magazine, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp. 49-56.
- Khaldi, B., Harrou, F., Cherif, F., Sun, Y. (2017). Monitoring a robot swarm using a data-driven fault detection approach. Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 97, 193-203. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Harrou, F., Sun, Y. and Madakyaru, M., (2017). An Improved Wavelet‐Based Multivariable Fault Detection Scheme. In Uncertainty Quantification and Model Calibration. InTech
- Harrou, F., Madakyaru, M. and Sun, Y., (2017). Improved nonlinear fault detection strategy based on the Hellinger distance metric: Plug flow reactor monitoring. Energy and Buildings, 143, pp.149-161.
- Zeroual, A., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Messai, N. (2017). Monitoring road traffic congestion using a macroscopic traffic model and a statistical monitoring scheme. Sustainable Cities and Society, 35, 494-510.
- Garoudja, E., Harrou, F., Sun, Y., Kara, K., Chouder, A. and Silvestre. S. (2017), "Statistical fault detection in photovoltaic systems," Solar Energy, 150, 485-499.
- Madakyaru, M., Harrou, F. and Sun, Y. (2017), "Improved data-based fault detection strategy and application to distillation columns," Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 107, 22-34.
- Harrou, F., Madakyaru, M., Sun, Y., (2016). Incipient Anomaly Detection Using PCA with Multivariate Memory Monitoring Charts: Application to An Air Flow Heating System. Applied Thermal Engineering (Elsevier),109: 65-74. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Harrou, F., Sun, Y. and Madakyaru, M. (2016), "Kullback-Leibler distance-based enhanced detection of incipient anomalies," Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries (Elsevier), 44, 73-87.
- Harrou, F., and Sun, Y. (2016), "Statistical monitoring of linear antenna arrays," Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal, 19, 1781-1787. (KAUST Discovery Highlight).
- Zerrouki, N., Harrou, F. Sun, Y. and Houacine, A. (2016), "Accelerometer and camera-based strategy for improved human fall detection," Journal of Medical Systems , 40: 284. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Harrou, F., Madakyaru, M., Sun, Y. and Khadraoui, S. (2016), "Improved detection of incipient anomalies via multivariate memory monitoring charts: application to an air flow heating system," Applied Thermal Engineering, 109, 65-74. (KAUST Discovery Highlight)
- Harrou, F., Kadri, F., Khadraoui, S. and Sun, Y. (2016), "Ozone measurements monitoring using data-based approach," Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 100, 220-231. (KAUST Discovery Highlight).
- Harrou, F., Sun, Y. and Khadraoui, S. (2016), "Amalgamation of anomaly-detection indices for enhanced process monitoring," Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 40, 365-377.
- Kadri, F., Harrou, F., Chaabane, S., Sun, Y. and Tahon, C. (2016), "Seasonal ARMA-based SPC charts for anomaly detection: application to emergency department systems," Neurocomputing, 173, 2102-2114.
- Harrou, F., Kadri, F., Chaabane, S., Tahon, C. and Sun, Y. (2015), "Improved principal component analysis for anomaly detection: application to an emergency department," Computers & Industrial Engineering, 88, 63-77.